Welcome to the 3rd-Evolution DOOM page 
These are a few DOOM II maps we created in our spare time. Most of these maps where started in 1997 and after the release of the DOOM source code by ID software we decided to put these maps online.

All you need to have fun with these maps is

  • A DOOM engine for your platform (we recommend DOOM Legacy)
  • and registered version of DOOM II

Name: F_SKY
Replaced Map: MAP01
Version: 1.0
Single Player: yes
Deathmatch: no
[screenshot] [screenshot] [screenshot]
Name: Thin Air
Replaced Map: MAP01
Version: 1.1
Single Player: yes
Deathmatch: no
[screenshot] [screenshot] [screenshot]
Name: ThinAir Deathmatch
Replaced Map: MAP01
Version: 1.1
Single Player: no
Deathmatch: yes
[screenshot] [screenshot] [screenshot]
If you have any questions or comments regarding this maps please contact us.


© 2001 by 3rd-evolution